The big brother in our handlebar bag family. Great for medium to long rides or a light and fast approach to bikepacking. Has the same features as the smaller version of the bag with compression straps on the bottom to attach excess gear, bananas, or anything else you might need. When the bag is empty, the straps can also compress the bag flat so all your goodies aren't going wild inside. Uses 2 included 6" Voile straps to attach the bag to the bars and a cord to fasten the lower section of the bag to the stem, steerer tube, or cables.
Hand Made Small Batch
All San Util Packs are made my our small team of seamstresses and seamsters (bet you didn't know we were called that) in our Winter Park facility. Come check out the showroom and watch the process of bags being manufactured in the USA.
Art Collabs
Over the past couple years, we have had the pleasure of working with local artists on some art collabs. We get the art printed on the same outdoor tech fabric that we sew our normal bags out of.
Water resistance
All of our fabrics are water proof with the exception of waxed canvas. Because our bags are sewn, non of them are fully waterproof (albeit very very water resistant).